Our Adorable Orbs

Enlarged Orb

In all the investigations into the paranormal we have done, the most exciting evidence is usually the capture of orbs on film and EVP’s on digital. There is a division in the paranormal investigating community as to the veracity that orbs are or are not souls or spirits. I lean toward the belief that they are indeed souls of the departed, and the evidence on video and digital sound files have solidified that belief for me.

We (The Paranormal Explorers) are usually talking to them as we are shooting video or taking pictures and digital voice recordings. We have even asked if they would please form some ectoplasm for us to see; and seconds after, a white cloudy mass formed right in front of the infrared video camera.

Tyrrell Museum Orb

I often talk to spirits as I am traveling outside or in a building, and ask if they would kindly let me take their picture. The small LED screen on the camera doesn’t always show if I have activity captured on the digital camera, and at times I admit I get very frustrated. But when the camera finally gets downloaded into the computer, then all the great pictures come out with various paranormal activity. And the pictures have coincided with my plea to the spirits to let me capture them on digital. No, I have never begged. Jeez.

Colored Orbs in Edmonton Cemetery

An Example of Snow Not Orbs

We  have always carefully analyzed the pictures to make sure the orbs were not dust, insects, moisture, atmospheric conditions like snow, spores or pollen, or light refractions.

Every time, these factors get eliminated when the pictures are enlarged and examined, and the location also is taken into consideration. I have been fortunate enough to see orbs with my own naked eye fly by my feet or my head, and they bear no resemblance to dust or any kind of insect. They are perfectly round balls of energy that are infinitely larger than insects. Some of them are the size of a baseball all the way up to basketball size. And colors! All kinds of colors of which I don’t know what each one represents. Chakra energy? Mood colors?

One parapsychologist (who will remain nameless), suggested that I am creating all of these orbs with my mind, that he did not feel they were spirits or anything truly paranormal. I stated that it would be impossible for me to create orbs with animal and human faces in them, and the dozens of orbs that travel at varying speeds towards our infrared lens in different sizes and brightness levels. He did seem taken aback by the statement we had caught orbs with faces in them on picture and video.

Orb With OpeningSuper Enlarged Orb

 I believe that orbs are vehicles for spirit energies. They are similar to atomic particles with the aura and mass inside. The puzzling thing I’m coming across now is seeing orbs with these openings. I don’t know what they are, but I’m going to try and explore this further.

Orb With Opening

1 Comment

  1. I wish I could see them! That orb with the hole in it does look weird. Maybe it’s been damaged somehow. And the falling snow is pretty, even if they aren’t orbs.

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